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Elaine Bleakney

Recent Poems



Elaine Bleakney is a poet and author of For Another Writing Back, an avant-memoir in lyric prose (Sidebrow Books, 2014), and the chapbook 20 Paintings by Laura Owens, an ekphrastic conversation (Poor Claudia, 2013). She edited the tear-apart anthology Poem in Your Pocket (Abrams, 2009).

Elaine's recent poems have appeared in Harp & Altar, theYale ReviewAction, Spectacle, and the Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review. Her work has also been published in American Poetry Review, jubilat, Gulf Coast, Verse Dailyand elsewhere. Her lyrical prose essays have appeared in the BelieverLiterary Hub, and the Kenyon Review. She writes Stranger and Stranger on Substack.

Elaine has taught writing workshops at the University of California at Irvine, Penland School of Craft, UNC Asheville, Flagler College, and elsewhere. She has been a guest writer at Warren Wilson College and Kenyon College in Ohio.

Originally from Arizona, Elaine grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii, and lives in the mountains of western North Carolina. 

Contact Elaine